The Spanish voz pasiva is used for two reasons:
1. To focus on the person or thing performing the action
Un niño escribió este libro. vs Este libro fue escrito por un niño
A child wrote this book. This book was written by a child.
2. To focus on an action without identifying the performer
José escribió este libro. vs Este libro fue escrito en 1927.
José wrote this book. This book was written in 1927. La voz pasiva is rather formal and is much less common in spoken Spanish than spoken English. In Spanish, the passive tends to be reserved for writing, such as newspapers and literature. The passive is used mainly when there is a named agent (e.g., Este libro fue escrito por un niño). However, there are several alternatives to la voz pasiva (besides la voz activa) when you want to focus on an action without identifying the performer:
La verdad está sabida. El libro es leído pronto. Eso no es dicho.
Reflexive se Se sabe la verdad. Se lee pronto el libro. No se dice.
Ellos conjugation (without pronoun) Saben la verdad. Leen pronto el libro. No dicen eso.
Todo el mundo/
Nadie Todo el mundo sabe la verdad. Todo el mundo lee pronto el libro. Nadie no dice eso.
La gente La gente sabe la verdad. La gente lee pronto el libro. La gente no dice eso.
A. Cambie las oraciones activas a continuación a la verdadera voz pasiva.
MODELO: El brujo amenazó el pueblo. El pueblo fue amenazado por el brujo.
1. Los españoles convirtieron a los indígenas. Los indígenas _______________________ por los
2. Los conquistadores destruyeron las civilizaciones precolombinas. Las civilizaciones
precolombina _______________________ por los conquistadores.
3. El gobierno ha suspendido la entrada de los inmigrantes. La entrada de los inmigrantes
_______________________ por el gobierno.
4. El gobierno hizo muchos ajustes. Muchos ajustes _______________________ por el gobierno.
5. No es cierto que el gobierno hiciera muchos ajustes. No es cierto que muchos ajustes
_______________________ por el gobierno.
6. El gobierno ha hecho un esfuerzo. Un esfuerzo _______________________ por el gobierno.
7. El presidente aprobó la petición. La petición _______________________ por el presidente.
8. El presidente ha aprobado las peticiones. Las peticiones _______________________ por el
9. La universidad introdujo programas de estudios latinoamericanos. Programas de estudios
latinoamericanos _______________________ por la universidad.
10. La universidad ha introducido un programa de estudios latinoamericanos. Un programa de
estudios latinoamericanos _______________________ por la universidad.
11. El congreso no ha aprobado la educación bilingüe. La educación bilingüe no ________________
____________________ por el congreso.
12. El congreso no aprobó la educación bilingüe. La educación bilingüe no ____________________
por el congreso.
13. Los medios de comunicación distorsionan muchas noticias. Muchas noticias _______________
____________________ por los medios de comunicación.
14. Los medios de comunicación han distorsionado muchas noticias. Muchas noticias __________
____________________ por los medios de comunicación.
15. Los medios de comunicación distorsionaron muchas noticias. Muchas noticias ____________
____________________ por los medios de comunicación
16. Los inmigrantes retenían los valores culturales. Los valores culturales _____________________
por los inmigrantes.
17. Los inmigrantes retienen los valores culturales. Los valores culturales _____________________
por los inmigrantes.
18. La universidad aumentó el número de profesores latinos. El número de profesores latinos
_______________________ por la universidad.
19. La universidad ha aumentado el número de profesores latinos. El número de profesores latinos
_______________________ por la universidad.
20. Era necesario que la universidad aumentara el número de profesores latinos. Era necesario que el
número de profesores latinos _______________________ por la universidad.
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
los verbos reflexivos
Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive Verbs
La construcción reflexiva está formada por la combinación del pronombre reflexivo y el verbo. The reflexive construction is made of the reflexive pronoun and the verb.
Un verbo reflexivo es aquel en el cual la acción del verbo recae en el sujeto. A reflexive verb is one in which the action reflects back to the subject.
Los pronombres reflexivos están colocados antes del verbo, dentro de la oración:
"Yo me lavo la cara"
o está adherido a la forma infinitiva:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara"
o al gerundio:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara"
The reflexive pronouns are placed in the sentence in front of a verb:
"Yo me lavo la cara" (I wash my face)
or it is attached to the infinitive form:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara" (I am going to wash my face)
or to a gerund:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara" (I am washing my face)
El pronombre "se" al final de un verbo en infinitivo, indica que el verbo es reflexivo. The pronoun "se" at the end of an infinitive indicates that the verb is reflexive.
llamarse to call (oneself)
me llamo nos llamamos
te llamas
se llama se llaman
lavarse to wash (oneself)
me lavo nos lavamos
te lavas
se lava se lavan
Me llamo Rodrigo. I call myself Rodrigo.
Me lavo la cara. I wash my face.
Lista de verbos que siempre se usan con pronombres reflexivos (list of verbs that are always used with reflexive pronouns)
acordarse (to remember) quejarse (to complain)
suicidarse (to commit suicide)
Lista de verbos que tienen un significado ligeramente diferente cuando se usa como verbo reflexivo. (List of verbs that have a slightly different meaning when it is used as a reflexive verb)
sentir (to feel -sorry-, regret) sentirse (to feel)
quitar (to take away) quitarse (to take off)
quedar (to be located, be left) quedarse (to stay, remain)
probar (to try, taste) probarse (to put on)
ir (to go) irse (to go away, leave)
dormir (to sleep) dormirse (to fall asleep)
casar (to marry -perform the ceremony-) casarse (to get married)
Verbos Auxiliares y Verbos
Reflexivos en Infinitivo Auxiliary verbs and reflexive intinitives
Necesito acostarme I need to go to bed Debemos acostarnos We must go to bed
Necesitas acostarte You need to go to bed
Necesita acostarse He/She needs to go to bed
You (formal) need to go to bed Deben acostarse You must go to bed
They must go to bed
Verbos Reflexivos más comunes Most common Reflexive Verbs
acordarse to remember
acostarse lo lie down / to go to bed
afeitarse to shave (oneself)
bajarse to get down / off
bañarse to bathe (oneself)/ to take a bath
cepillarse to brush, to polish
contagiarse to become infected
desmayarse to faint
despertarse to wake up
divertirse to have a good time
desvestirse to get undressed
dormirse to fall asleep
embarazarse to get pregnant
enfermarse to become sick
internarse to confine / to enter
irse to go away / to leave
lavarse to wash (oneself)
levantarse to get up / to stand up (oneself)
llamarse to call oneself
moverse to move
preocuparse to worry (about)
quejarse to complain
relajarse to relax
sentarse to sit down / sit up
subirse to get up (on)
suicidarse to commit suicide
vestirse to dress oneself
La construcción reflexiva está formada por la combinación del pronombre reflexivo y el verbo. The reflexive construction is made of the reflexive pronoun and the verb.
Un verbo reflexivo es aquel en el cual la acción del verbo recae en el sujeto. A reflexive verb is one in which the action reflects back to the subject.
Los pronombres reflexivos están colocados antes del verbo, dentro de la oración:
"Yo me lavo la cara"
o está adherido a la forma infinitiva:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara"
o al gerundio:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara"
The reflexive pronouns are placed in the sentence in front of a verb:
"Yo me lavo la cara" (I wash my face)
or it is attached to the infinitive form:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara" (I am going to wash my face)
or to a gerund:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara" (I am washing my face)
El pronombre "se" al final de un verbo en infinitivo, indica que el verbo es reflexivo. The pronoun "se" at the end of an infinitive indicates that the verb is reflexive.
llamarse to call (oneself)
me llamo nos llamamos
te llamas
se llama se llaman
lavarse to wash (oneself)
me lavo nos lavamos
te lavas
se lava se lavan
Me llamo Rodrigo. I call myself Rodrigo.
Me lavo la cara. I wash my face.
Lista de verbos que siempre se usan con pronombres reflexivos (list of verbs that are always used with reflexive pronouns)
acordarse (to remember) quejarse (to complain)
suicidarse (to commit suicide)
Lista de verbos que tienen un significado ligeramente diferente cuando se usa como verbo reflexivo. (List of verbs that have a slightly different meaning when it is used as a reflexive verb)
sentir (to feel -sorry-, regret) sentirse (to feel)
quitar (to take away) quitarse (to take off)
quedar (to be located, be left) quedarse (to stay, remain)
probar (to try, taste) probarse (to put on)
ir (to go) irse (to go away, leave)
dormir (to sleep) dormirse (to fall asleep)
casar (to marry -perform the ceremony-) casarse (to get married)
Verbos Auxiliares y Verbos
Reflexivos en Infinitivo Auxiliary verbs and reflexive intinitives
Necesito acostarme I need to go to bed Debemos acostarnos We must go to bed
Necesitas acostarte You need to go to bed
Necesita acostarse He/She needs to go to bed
You (formal) need to go to bed Deben acostarse You must go to bed
They must go to bed
Verbos Reflexivos más comunes Most common Reflexive Verbs
acordarse to remember
acostarse lo lie down / to go to bed
afeitarse to shave (oneself)
bajarse to get down / off
bañarse to bathe (oneself)/ to take a bath
cepillarse to brush, to polish
contagiarse to become infected
desmayarse to faint
despertarse to wake up
divertirse to have a good time
desvestirse to get undressed
dormirse to fall asleep
embarazarse to get pregnant
enfermarse to become sick
internarse to confine / to enter
irse to go away / to leave
lavarse to wash (oneself)
levantarse to get up / to stand up (oneself)
llamarse to call oneself
moverse to move
preocuparse to worry (about)
quejarse to complain
relajarse to relax
sentarse to sit down / sit up
subirse to get up (on)
suicidarse to commit suicide
vestirse to dress oneself
viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009
At Berlitz, we don’t focus on just grammar and textbooks. It’s real world conversation and it’s real world usages..."
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
• Language is an oral phenomenon; therefore, all teaching and learning is done in an oral context.
• Reading and writing skills are essential, but must be preceded by and rest on oral mastery.
• The acquisition of oral skills involves the development of habits, both intellectual and physical.
• The proper mastery of language involves active student participation in all stages of instruction.
• With the Berlitz Method one focuses on the target language in the classroom and in the student review materials. By totally immersing the student in the new language, we can most closely simulate the real-life situations in which he or she will be using the language, and eliminate the cumbersome process of introducing a concept first in the student’s language and then in the target language. The “direct” approach (from concept to language) is the essence of the Berlitz Method.
• The Berlitz Method is based on a “building-block” approach. During the early stages of instruction, primary emphasis is given to establishing basic structures and grammatical points. Each structure is introduced and thoroughly practiced, and serves as a foundation for new information.
• Berlitz proceeds from simple concepts to complex ones, from concrete to abstract. In the early stages, students deal with simple declarative sentences, then questions. Only later are they exposed to relative and subordinate clauses, compound and complex forms, and sentence embedding. Likewise, students are first taught to identify and describe the people and objects in their immediate surroundings. This is then expanded to permit them to discuss abstract relationships, feelings, emotions, conditions, cause/effect relationship, etc.
• All instructors have a native command of the language they teach.
Aprender otro idioma, o aprender varios idiomas, es muy bueno para cualquier persona.
Berlitz Tutoring builds real language skills for students ages 4 to 18.
Research has shown that language study has a positive effect on children’s standardized test scores. Children who study languages are generally more imaginative, better abstract thinkers, and more flexible in their thought processes.
Whether your child needs help with his or her school language program, needs to improve test-taking skills, or requires assistance with AP preparation, Berlitz Tutoring is the ideal solution.
Muchas investigaciones han demostrado que aprender otro idioma ayuda a los ninos a obtener excelentes resultados academicos. Esta comprobado que los ninos que pueden estudiar otro idioma generalmente son mas imaginativos y pueden ser mas flexible en su proceso de aprendizaje.
• Reading and writing skills are essential, but must be preceded by and rest on oral mastery.
• The acquisition of oral skills involves the development of habits, both intellectual and physical.
• The proper mastery of language involves active student participation in all stages of instruction.
• With the Berlitz Method one focuses on the target language in the classroom and in the student review materials. By totally immersing the student in the new language, we can most closely simulate the real-life situations in which he or she will be using the language, and eliminate the cumbersome process of introducing a concept first in the student’s language and then in the target language. The “direct” approach (from concept to language) is the essence of the Berlitz Method.
• The Berlitz Method is based on a “building-block” approach. During the early stages of instruction, primary emphasis is given to establishing basic structures and grammatical points. Each structure is introduced and thoroughly practiced, and serves as a foundation for new information.
• Berlitz proceeds from simple concepts to complex ones, from concrete to abstract. In the early stages, students deal with simple declarative sentences, then questions. Only later are they exposed to relative and subordinate clauses, compound and complex forms, and sentence embedding. Likewise, students are first taught to identify and describe the people and objects in their immediate surroundings. This is then expanded to permit them to discuss abstract relationships, feelings, emotions, conditions, cause/effect relationship, etc.
• All instructors have a native command of the language they teach.
Aprender otro idioma, o aprender varios idiomas, es muy bueno para cualquier persona.
Berlitz Tutoring builds real language skills for students ages 4 to 18.
Research has shown that language study has a positive effect on children’s standardized test scores. Children who study languages are generally more imaginative, better abstract thinkers, and more flexible in their thought processes.
Whether your child needs help with his or her school language program, needs to improve test-taking skills, or requires assistance with AP preparation, Berlitz Tutoring is the ideal solution.
Muchas investigaciones han demostrado que aprender otro idioma ayuda a los ninos a obtener excelentes resultados academicos. Esta comprobado que los ninos que pueden estudiar otro idioma generalmente son mas imaginativos y pueden ser mas flexible en su proceso de aprendizaje.
• Language is an oral phenomenon; therefore, all teaching and learning is done in an oral context.
• Reading and writing skills are essential, but must be preceded by and rest on oral mastery.
• The acquisition of oral skills involves the development of habits, both intellectual and physical.
• The proper mastery of language involves active student participation in all stages of instruction.
• With the Berlitz Method one focuses on the target language in the classroom and in the student review materials. By totally immersing the student in the new language, we can most closely simulate the real-life situations in which he or she will be using the language, and eliminate the cumbersome process of introducing a concept first in the student’s language and then in the target language. The “direct” approach (from concept to language) is the essence of the Berlitz Method.
• The Berlitz Method is based on a “building-block” approach. During the early stages of instruction, primary emphasis is given to establishing basic structures and grammatical points. Each structure is introduced and thoroughly practiced, and serves as a foundation for new information.
• Berlitz proceeds from simple concepts to complex ones, from concrete to abstract. In the early stages, students deal with simple declarative sentences, then questions. Only later are they exposed to relative and subordinate clauses, compound and complex forms, and sentence embedding. Likewise, students are first taught to identify and describe the people and objects in their immediate surroundings. This is then expanded to permit them to discuss abstract relationships, feelings, emotions, conditions, cause/effect relationship, etc.
• All instructors have a native command of the language they teach.
Aprender otro idioma, o aprender varios idiomas, es muy bueno para cualquier persona.
Berlitz Tutoring builds real language skills for students ages 4 to 18.
Research has shown that language study has a positive effect on children’s standardized test scores. Children who study languages are generally more imaginative, better abstract thinkers, and more flexible in their thought processes.
Whether your child needs help with his or her school language program, needs to improve test-taking skills, or requires assistance with AP preparation, Berlitz Tutoring is the ideal solution.
Muchas investigaciones han demostrado que aprender otro idioma ayuda a los ninos a obtener excelentes resultados academicos. Esta comprobado que los ninos que pueden estudiar otro idioma generalmente son mas imaginativos y pueden ser mas flexible en su proceso de aprendizaje.
• Reading and writing skills are essential, but must be preceded by and rest on oral mastery.
• The acquisition of oral skills involves the development of habits, both intellectual and physical.
• The proper mastery of language involves active student participation in all stages of instruction.
• With the Berlitz Method one focuses on the target language in the classroom and in the student review materials. By totally immersing the student in the new language, we can most closely simulate the real-life situations in which he or she will be using the language, and eliminate the cumbersome process of introducing a concept first in the student’s language and then in the target language. The “direct” approach (from concept to language) is the essence of the Berlitz Method.
• The Berlitz Method is based on a “building-block” approach. During the early stages of instruction, primary emphasis is given to establishing basic structures and grammatical points. Each structure is introduced and thoroughly practiced, and serves as a foundation for new information.
• Berlitz proceeds from simple concepts to complex ones, from concrete to abstract. In the early stages, students deal with simple declarative sentences, then questions. Only later are they exposed to relative and subordinate clauses, compound and complex forms, and sentence embedding. Likewise, students are first taught to identify and describe the people and objects in their immediate surroundings. This is then expanded to permit them to discuss abstract relationships, feelings, emotions, conditions, cause/effect relationship, etc.
• All instructors have a native command of the language they teach.
Aprender otro idioma, o aprender varios idiomas, es muy bueno para cualquier persona.
Berlitz Tutoring builds real language skills for students ages 4 to 18.
Research has shown that language study has a positive effect on children’s standardized test scores. Children who study languages are generally more imaginative, better abstract thinkers, and more flexible in their thought processes.
Whether your child needs help with his or her school language program, needs to improve test-taking skills, or requires assistance with AP preparation, Berlitz Tutoring is the ideal solution.
Muchas investigaciones han demostrado que aprender otro idioma ayuda a los ninos a obtener excelentes resultados academicos. Esta comprobado que los ninos que pueden estudiar otro idioma generalmente son mas imaginativos y pueden ser mas flexible en su proceso de aprendizaje.
domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009
sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009
Mas explicacion y ejemplos de verbos reflexivos
In the reflexive construction,
the subject is also the object.
A person does as well as
receives the action…
The subject, the pronoun and
the verb are all in the same
I get up at eight in the morning. Yo me levanto a las ocho de la manana.
She wakes up very early. Yo me levanto muy temprano.
At what time do you have breakfast every day?
My sisters put on makeup in their room.
We go to bed very late.
Pepito takes a bath in the bathroom.
the subject is also the object.
A person does as well as
receives the action…
The subject, the pronoun and
the verb are all in the same
I get up at eight in the morning. Yo me levanto a las ocho de la manana.
She wakes up very early. Yo me levanto muy temprano.
At what time do you have breakfast every day?
My sisters put on makeup in their room.
We go to bed very late.
Pepito takes a bath in the bathroom.
Reflexive pronouns are used to show that the subject is doing the action to or for himself.
(Subject and pronoun match.)
Me lavo Nos lavamos
Te lavas Os laváis
Se lava Se lavan
Verbs can be in any tense.
Me levanté a las seis ayer. (Past)
Nos acostaremos a las once este viernes. (Future)
Te bañas todos los días. (Present)
Without the pronoun, the action is being done to someone or something else.
Lavé mi perro anoche.
(I washed my dog last night.)
Despierto a mi hermanito cada día.
(I wake up my little brother each day.)
If the pronoun doesn’t match the subject-It is not a reflexive action:
Mi mamá me despertó a las seis esta mañana.
Many reflexive verbs are verbs of emotion:
aburrirse-to get bored
preocuparse-to get worried
ponerse + adjective-to get/become________
desanimarse-to become discouraged
Placement of all pronouns is the same:
Before a conjugated verb
Attached to an infinitive or participle
Many reflexive verbs are verbs of emotion:
aburrirse-to get bored
preocuparse-to get worried
ponerse + adjective-to get/become________
desanimarse-to become discouraged
Placement of all pronouns is the same:
Before a conjugated verb
Attached to an infinitive or participle
The reciprocal is used to express
“each other”. The verb can be in the ellos or nosotros forms.
Pepe y yo nos escribimos a menudo.
(Pepe and I write to each other often.)
Mario y Carlitos se hablan mucho.
(Mario and Carlitos talk to each other a lot.)
¿Cómo se dice en español?
Marta and I know each other very well.
My brothers fight with each other often.
Esteban and Jaime helped each other a lot.
¿Cómo se dice en español?
Marta and I know each other very well.
Martha y yo nos conocemos muy bien.
My brothers fight with each other often.
Mis hermanos se pelean a menudo.
Esteban and Jaime helped each other a lot.
Esteban y Jaime se ayudaron mucho.
“Se” Impersonal
The impersonal “se” is used to tell that actions occur, without a specific subject mentioned.
Se habla español aquí.
(Spanish is spoken here.)
Se prohibe comer en la clase.
(No eating in class)
The verb used can be in the singular or plural form, depending on what is after the verb.
Se vende fruta. Se venden libros.
Se busca mecánico. Se alquilan motos.
(Subject and pronoun match.)
Me lavo Nos lavamos
Te lavas Os laváis
Se lava Se lavan
Verbs can be in any tense.
Me levanté a las seis ayer. (Past)
Nos acostaremos a las once este viernes. (Future)
Te bañas todos los días. (Present)
Without the pronoun, the action is being done to someone or something else.
Lavé mi perro anoche.
(I washed my dog last night.)
Despierto a mi hermanito cada día.
(I wake up my little brother each day.)
If the pronoun doesn’t match the subject-It is not a reflexive action:
Mi mamá me despertó a las seis esta mañana.
Many reflexive verbs are verbs of emotion:
aburrirse-to get bored
preocuparse-to get worried
ponerse + adjective-to get/become________
desanimarse-to become discouraged
Placement of all pronouns is the same:
Before a conjugated verb
Attached to an infinitive or participle
Many reflexive verbs are verbs of emotion:
aburrirse-to get bored
preocuparse-to get worried
ponerse + adjective-to get/become________
desanimarse-to become discouraged
Placement of all pronouns is the same:
Before a conjugated verb
Attached to an infinitive or participle
The reciprocal is used to express
“each other”. The verb can be in the ellos or nosotros forms.
Pepe y yo nos escribimos a menudo.
(Pepe and I write to each other often.)
Mario y Carlitos se hablan mucho.
(Mario and Carlitos talk to each other a lot.)
¿Cómo se dice en español?
Marta and I know each other very well.
My brothers fight with each other often.
Esteban and Jaime helped each other a lot.
¿Cómo se dice en español?
Marta and I know each other very well.
Martha y yo nos conocemos muy bien.
My brothers fight with each other often.
Mis hermanos se pelean a menudo.
Esteban and Jaime helped each other a lot.
Esteban y Jaime se ayudaron mucho.
“Se” Impersonal
The impersonal “se” is used to tell that actions occur, without a specific subject mentioned.
Se habla español aquí.
(Spanish is spoken here.)
Se prohibe comer en la clase.
(No eating in class)
The verb used can be in the singular or plural form, depending on what is after the verb.
Se vende fruta. Se venden libros.
Se busca mecánico. Se alquilan motos.
La mejor forma de entender los verbos reflexivos es practicando con la rutina diaria. Por ejemplo:
Yo me levanto.
Yo me lavo los dientes.
Yo me despierto.
Yo me despierto
Yo me pongo la camisa, yo me pongo la camiseta, yo me pongo los zapatos, yo me pongo el vestido, etc.
Yo me bano.
Yo me lavo la cara.
Yo me lavo las manos.
Yo me lavo el pelo.
Yo me seco el pelo.
Yo me afeito las piernas.
Yo me pongo desodorante.
Yo me pongo perfume.
Yo me peino.
Yo me cepillo el pelo.
Yo me visto.
Yo me quito la ropa.
Yo me pongo la piyama.
Yo me acuesto.
Yo me duermo.
Yo me siento mal.
Yo me siento bien.
Yo me levanto.
Yo me lavo los dientes.
Yo me despierto.
Yo me despierto
Yo me pongo la camisa, yo me pongo la camiseta, yo me pongo los zapatos, yo me pongo el vestido, etc.
Yo me bano.
Yo me lavo la cara.
Yo me lavo las manos.
Yo me lavo el pelo.
Yo me seco el pelo.
Yo me afeito las piernas.
Yo me pongo desodorante.
Yo me pongo perfume.
Yo me peino.
Yo me cepillo el pelo.
Yo me visto.
Yo me quito la ropa.
Yo me pongo la piyama.
Yo me acuesto.
Yo me duermo.
Yo me siento mal.
Yo me siento bien.
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
pagina web con juegos de los verbos ser y estar
The difference between verb “ser” (to be) and verb “estar” (to be) – La diferencia entre el verbo “ser” y el verbo “estar”
The verb ser is used for conditions or characteristics that are permanent and the verb estar is used for transitory or not permanent conditions or characteristics.
Maria es bonita (Maria is beautiful) – Maria is really beautiful, maybe since she was born
Maria está bonita (Maria is beautiful) – In that moment Maria is beautiful, but maybe she doesn’t look beautiful all the time.
Conjugation of the verb ser and estar – Conjugación de los verbos ser y estar
In Spanish, the conjugation of the verb is the result of the root of the verb (stem) and a specific termination. For example, the conjugation of a verb for the person “Yo” (I) is different from “Ellos” (they). Thus, generally, the termination of the verb is enough to indicate which person the verb is related to, even when the person is omitted in a sentence.
Soy feliz. (I’m happy.)
Eres linda. (You’re beautiful.)
Verb “ser”
Yo soy
Tú eres
Él / Ella /
Nosotros / Nosotras
Vosotros / Vosotras
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes
In this website vosotros and vosotras are not going to be considered because these forms are just used in Spain.
Usted and ustedes are respectful and formal words used to express you, in the singular and plural forms.
(yo) Soy inteligente. (I’m intelligent.)
Ustedes son hermosas. (You’re beautiful.)
(nosotros) Somos vecinos. (We are neighbors.)
Verb “estar”
Él / Ella / Usted
Nosotros / Nosotras
Vosotros / Vosotras
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes
(yo) Estoy enojado con ella. (I’m mad at her)
(nosotros) estamos tristes. (We are sad.)
Ustedes están cansados? (Are you tired?)
Important Notes
1- When referring to places that a person is located, the verb “estar” must be used and when referring to a place that a person is from, the verb “ser” is used.
• (yo) Estoy en Barcelona. (I’m in Barcelona.) - Observe that in this example the verb estar was used
• (yo) Soy de Barcelona. (I’m from Barcelona.) - Observe that in this example the verb ser was used
2- For nationalities and professions use also verb ser
• (yo) Soy dentista. (I’m dentist.)
• (yo) Soy mexicana. (I’m Mexican.)
The verb ser is used for conditions or characteristics that are permanent and the verb estar is used for transitory or not permanent conditions or characteristics.
Maria es bonita (Maria is beautiful) – Maria is really beautiful, maybe since she was born
Maria está bonita (Maria is beautiful) – In that moment Maria is beautiful, but maybe she doesn’t look beautiful all the time.
Conjugation of the verb ser and estar – Conjugación de los verbos ser y estar
In Spanish, the conjugation of the verb is the result of the root of the verb (stem) and a specific termination. For example, the conjugation of a verb for the person “Yo” (I) is different from “Ellos” (they). Thus, generally, the termination of the verb is enough to indicate which person the verb is related to, even when the person is omitted in a sentence.
Soy feliz. (I’m happy.)
Eres linda. (You’re beautiful.)
Verb “ser”
Yo soy
Tú eres
Él / Ella /
Nosotros / Nosotras
Vosotros / Vosotras
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes
In this website vosotros and vosotras are not going to be considered because these forms are just used in Spain.
Usted and ustedes are respectful and formal words used to express you, in the singular and plural forms.
(yo) Soy inteligente. (I’m intelligent.)
Ustedes son hermosas. (You’re beautiful.)
(nosotros) Somos vecinos. (We are neighbors.)
Verb “estar”
Él / Ella / Usted
Nosotros / Nosotras
Vosotros / Vosotras
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes
(yo) Estoy enojado con ella. (I’m mad at her)
(nosotros) estamos tristes. (We are sad.)
Ustedes están cansados? (Are you tired?)
Important Notes
1- When referring to places that a person is located, the verb “estar” must be used and when referring to a place that a person is from, the verb “ser” is used.
• (yo) Estoy en Barcelona. (I’m in Barcelona.) - Observe that in this example the verb estar was used
• (yo) Soy de Barcelona. (I’m from Barcelona.) - Observe that in this example the verb ser was used
2- For nationalities and professions use also verb ser
• (yo) Soy dentista. (I’m dentist.)
• (yo) Soy mexicana. (I’m Mexican.)
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