Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive Verbs
La construcción reflexiva está formada por la combinación del pronombre reflexivo y el verbo. The reflexive construction is made of the reflexive pronoun and the verb.
Un verbo reflexivo es aquel en el cual la acción del verbo recae en el sujeto. A reflexive verb is one in which the action reflects back to the subject.
Los pronombres reflexivos están colocados antes del verbo, dentro de la oración:
"Yo me lavo la cara"
o está adherido a la forma infinitiva:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara"
o al gerundio:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara"
The reflexive pronouns are placed in the sentence in front of a verb:
"Yo me lavo la cara" (I wash my face)
or it is attached to the infinitive form:
"Yo voy a lavarme la cara" (I am going to wash my face)
or to a gerund:
"Yo estoy lavándome la cara" (I am washing my face)
El pronombre "se" al final de un verbo en infinitivo, indica que el verbo es reflexivo. The pronoun "se" at the end of an infinitive indicates that the verb is reflexive.
llamarse to call (oneself)
me llamo nos llamamos
te llamas
se llama se llaman
lavarse to wash (oneself)
me lavo nos lavamos
te lavas
se lava se lavan
Me llamo Rodrigo. I call myself Rodrigo.
Me lavo la cara. I wash my face.
Lista de verbos que siempre se usan con pronombres reflexivos (list of verbs that are always used with reflexive pronouns)
acordarse (to remember) quejarse (to complain)
suicidarse (to commit suicide)
Lista de verbos que tienen un significado ligeramente diferente cuando se usa como verbo reflexivo. (List of verbs that have a slightly different meaning when it is used as a reflexive verb)
sentir (to feel -sorry-, regret) sentirse (to feel)
quitar (to take away) quitarse (to take off)
quedar (to be located, be left) quedarse (to stay, remain)
probar (to try, taste) probarse (to put on)
ir (to go) irse (to go away, leave)
dormir (to sleep) dormirse (to fall asleep)
casar (to marry -perform the ceremony-) casarse (to get married)
Verbos Auxiliares y Verbos
Reflexivos en Infinitivo Auxiliary verbs and reflexive intinitives
Necesito acostarme I need to go to bed Debemos acostarnos We must go to bed
Necesitas acostarte You need to go to bed
Necesita acostarse He/She needs to go to bed
You (formal) need to go to bed Deben acostarse You must go to bed
They must go to bed
Verbos Reflexivos más comunes Most common Reflexive Verbs
acordarse to remember
acostarse lo lie down / to go to bed
afeitarse to shave (oneself)
bajarse to get down / off
bañarse to bathe (oneself)/ to take a bath
cepillarse to brush, to polish
contagiarse to become infected
desmayarse to faint
despertarse to wake up
divertirse to have a good time
desvestirse to get undressed
dormirse to fall asleep
embarazarse to get pregnant
enfermarse to become sick
internarse to confine / to enter
irse to go away / to leave
lavarse to wash (oneself)
levantarse to get up / to stand up (oneself)
llamarse to call oneself
moverse to move
preocuparse to worry (about)
quejarse to complain
relajarse to relax
sentarse to sit down / sit up
subirse to get up (on)
suicidarse to commit suicide
vestirse to dress oneself
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
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